never could get the hang of…

Terrible week for mileage. Young Indiana got the snuffles from vaccination shots, then I caught a cold, so really not much sleep or indeed leaving the house. Still, 12 miles is better than 0. And the astute amongst you will notice I’ve missed a couple days of the reading meme, so I’ll probably make up for it over the weekend.

Young Indiana and I finally met the 4 month old baby boy next door! And his daddy, whose name I didn’t get, of course. :) But we had a nice chat, and my brother-in-law and youngest nephew biked by and stopped to say hello while we were doing so. Talk about, like, neighborly behavior! Or, since we’re in Ireland, I suppose it’s neighbourly behaviour. :)

Any Americans in Dublin wanna go do an American-events based pub quiz on the 14th? €50 per team of 4 or 5. I b’lieve my parents and I, at least, will be attending!

Did I mention–no, I didn’t. I ran through the National Gallery on Saturday and discovered they have a New Parents day once a month, when you can come with your kid and get a guided tour and not have to worry if your baby is loud. So I’m likely to do that in October, because wow, how cool! This is a great country! :)

Also Saturday, Ted took Young Indiana for a few hours while I went (well, through the National Gallery, but I was *going* to a picnic). That was the first time I’d been out alone since the boyo was born. o.O And Wednesday, Ted took him out again while I worked on revisions for SPIRIT DANCES, which is, I think, better than I thought it was. Which is something of a relief. Oh, and speaking of writing, I’ll be doing Nanowrimo this year, since I’ve got this novella to deliver to people by the end of the year… :)

Tomorrow I must remember to post pictures of my masterpiece of modern architecture.

The Road Home: miles to Isengard: 580.9