Agent announcement!

I have just signed an agency agreement with Jennifer Udden at the Laura Dail Literary Agency, and I am OVER THE MOON about it!!!! After an introduction through a mutual friend who thought we would hit it off, Ms. Udden and I spent a couple of months in email contact as I sent a variety of things, from completed manuscripts to very, VERY short book proposals back and forth, and eventually stepped things up with a vone call. Our mutual friend was extremely right: we did hit it off, with…

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Milford writing retreat

I was afforded the unexpected opportunity to go on a writing retreat in mid-May. It was a great success, but I have to start by telling you about the first time I went on this retreat, in 2019, which MIGHT have been the first year this retreat was held. That week, I wrote 41,000 words. Which is a lot. In fact, it’s enough that they said “we’re now going to use ‘murphy’ as our unit of measurement for this retreat forever,” which I thought they were joking about, except it…

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genuinely insanely busy

Hello, mes amis. I have been genuinely, insanely busy for the past two months, and my “no really I’m going to get back into blogging” has suffered badly for it. I have Eastercon to write up, STILL, most of two months after the fact, but I kept putting it off because I was finishing the 6th Dublin Driver book, which I did, and delivered, on April…21, I think. And then I accidentally banged out two novellas. Yeah, no, that’s not normal, is it? I literally finished DEATH OF AN IRISH…

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not dead! busy month, tho

Iiiiiii…have been meaning to post, and just not doing it because I’ve been working, and don’t want to distract myself from work. But! I got an extension on the book so I’m going to take a minute to do a short blog. I went to Eastercon the last weekend of March, and it was WONDERFUL, but I haven’t had enough time to blog about it. Hopefully next week when I’m done with this book, which… I’m ALMOST done with the 6th Dublin Driver book. There I was, 60K into a…

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inspiration has terrible timing

I was very tired last night, and had a HUGE amount to do today, so went to bed at a very sensible hour, ~10:30pm. I then utterly failed to sleep for 90+ minutes. Shortly after midnight, having tossed and turned and gotten up to pee and to make sure my son had done his Pokemon for the day so he wouldn’t lose the 20 day streak he was aiming for for a task, I finally thought I was comfortable and worn out enough to sleep. And the first line of…

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