banner liberated from twitter user iPokemonGO :)

a pokemon weekend :)

I spent basically the entire weekend playing PokemonGo, and it was GREAT. :D Please know that I do not expect many of the following words, in these sequences, to mean much to most people. :D It was the PokemonGoFest weekend, and I got in the region of 2 million XP, which is an extremely large amount for me. I am T R Y I N G to reach 50th level in this wretched game because, see, I do not play video games, and I never level out in them on…

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Recent Reads: The Dark is Rising

I have read THE DARK IS RISING many, many times in my life, far more than I can count (I mean, it’s probably a countable number, but it’s not like I have been counting!). It is, perhaps, not quite my favorite of the sequence (I have a soft spot for GREENWITCH, which was the first of them I read, and which features Jane quite heavily, which, I mean, like, y’know, female protagonist, so…), but I’m fairly willing to concede it’s the best of the series, arguably by a long shot.…

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A Melodrama In Sligo

The scene: I am arriving back in Sligo after a couple of days in Dublin. The setting: Sligo Train Station The performers: Myself; my father; a random older woman sitting next to Dad in the train station as he awaits me Dad, rising from his seat, hands extended to capture mine: Catie, Catie, *Catie*! Oh, my darling! Let me *look* at you! Oh, *honey*! Let me look at you, let me look at you! Me, embracing him: Oh, *Daddy*! Dad: It’s been so long! My darling girl! Older woman: -happy…

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Adventures in glasses-wearing

So a little bit ago my dad, who is notorious for leaving his glasses lying around, was looking for them. We looked in the kitchen. We looked in the library, and I checked the bathroom while he went up to check his room. Then I went into the living room and called, “I found your glasses, Dad!” And I HAD found them. On MY FACE. *MY* glasses were lying on the coffee table, because I, too, have developed a terrible habit of leaving my glasses lying around (only since my…

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several THINGS

Thing One: Ruth Negga is performing the title role in Hamlet in Dublin this fall AND I HAVE TICKETS FOR OPENING NIGHT. I am trying to convince myself I shouldn’t also buy tickets for closing night, to see how the performance has matured. I really want to. But they’re more expensive. :( Indy said, “Tickets for HAMLET? Is that like HAMILTON!?!?!?!?!” and was very disappointed to hear that no, it was not, and also that it wasn’t appropriate for 8 year olds. :) Thing Two: I got the return address…

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