Birthday & Wonder Woman

So yesterday was my birthday and it is also the birthday of my many many birthday twins, but I wasn’t online much and so I failed to say happy birthday to Esmerel and Silkblade and Chaz’s niece and also Morgan Freeman and Marilyn Monroe and Superman (the first Superman comic was published June 1 1938 :)). Happy birthday, twins, and thank you to everybody who wished me a happy day! Ted and Indy snuck off and got a couple pieces of art that have been sitting around for a long…

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chopped liver, or: a story of parenting

A couple of weeks ago Indy and I went out to a restaurant here in town and Indy asked them if we could have a window seat. But they brought us to what he considered the wrong one, and he said, “No, that one please,” and pointed to the front window, which had obviously just been vacated and not cleared yet. I was saying words to the effect of “oh my god indy don’t make their lives difficult” when the host suddenly said, “Oh, now I know you! You usually…

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easter holidays

Indy’s on Easter holidays, which is 2 weeks off, and I’ve basically been convinced it’s the weekend since the 8th of April. Strangely enough, it has not been the weekend since the 8th of April, which has led to some deep confusion on my part. I suppose I’ll get back in the swing of things when school starts up again, but this bodes ill for my brain over summer vacation. We went down to Fota Island for a day, and I took some pictures. Indy was thrilled beyond comprehension to…

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Sugar Wars: Day 1

Several of us in these parts have entered a pact, or at least an agreement, to cut sugar from our diets for 30 days. Much of my incentive is that it’s pretty clear I’m gaining weight at exactly the same rate I’m eating junk food, and I’d rather not balloon ALL the way back up to my previous fatness. I’ve already regained about 12 pounds in the last 6 months (although I gotta say, a third of that was in December. What a disaster the holidays were for me, food-wise.)…

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a splendid day, with pokemon :)

Indy and I had a splendid day today. We stopped at the local Pokemon gym and claimed it on the way home from school, and walked enough candies to evolve our Abra into a Kadabra, which was pretty darn exciting. He did his chores and homework cooperatively, and we went through ALL our Pokemon and found our Grimer only needed ONE CANDY to evolve. So we went for a bike ride/Pokehunt. He’s learning to ride his bike, and there’s a nice little housing estate next door that has a big…

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