Very Exciting Developments!

One might imagine, from six weeks of radio silence, that I have been busy. One would be correct. But there have been some Very Exciting Developments in that time! First off, I’ve gotten a studio to work in! It’s part of an artist’s collective, extremely convenient to my son’s school, and, as my husband said, “Bohemian enough to suit your sensibilities.” (I pointed out that I’m really not very bohemian, and he said, “No, but you want to be,” which is perfectly true. :) The collective has a Studio Cat.…

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picture post: blue hair & disney & birthdays, oh my

I’ve been threatening for many years to dye my hair blue. Last week I picked up a bottle of temporary hair dye. I had hopes it would stick mostly to the grey, of which I have plenty: although I had been totally unable to find anything on the internet which suggested it might. After some dithering, I applied it: To my delight, it in fact did a pretty damn fine job of sticking to the grey without blueing the rest of it up much: Also to my delight and relief,…

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capturing the garden kittens

We got a capture cage and a regular cage from the animal rescue place & to rehabilitate the kittens in. (Habilitate, I guess; they were never habilitated to begin with, so I guess they can’t be REhabilitated….) The animal rescue people are SWAMPED and they have no easily found place to give the kittens to someone else to teach to be pets. The lady there said every female cat they’ve had brought in in the past 2 months has been heavily pregnant and that she doesn’t remember a year this…

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Introducing Sophia the First

Not that we expect more Sophias. She’s named after a Disney princess. :) I decided rather suddenly this week that we needed a cat, and since the animal rescue was having an adoption day on Saturday, we went in to look at “Tiggles”, who had been with them since December because she HAAAAAAAAAATED adoption days and curled into the corner of the cage and hissed and spat at anybody who came near. She’s been fostered at one of the rescuers’ homes, though, and they swore she was charming and sweet…

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Kitsnaps: Orange

And then there’s the moment you glance out the window at sunset and the orange light falling on the orange boards and the orange cat makes everything the exact same hue, and all you have to do is grab the camera before the cat gets bored and moves away. :)