The Soul Mirror by Carol Berg

Carol Berg doesn’t write bad books, but the Collegia Magica is in the running for my favorite of her series. (I’d have to re-read BREATH & BONE to decide for sure.) There was a bit in this one that made me laugh out loud, when our unassuming heroine’s activities are related as viewed by an outside opinion. Not so unassuming after all, perhaps.

A thing I expected came to pass within these pages, which was good (I really wanted it to happen), but considerably more I didn’t also happened, which is of course even better. Also: I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE WITH THE TITLE, CAROL!

Ahem. The writing is impossibly gorgeous, as usual. I stagger in awe at Carol’s skill. Seriously, and I think about writing epic fantasy? Pfft. I am too awed by the company I keep.

Now I must not start THE DAEMON PRISM, because I have a book of my own to write and I will not work on it until I’ve finished the next book. So I shouldn’t start.

*eyes it covetously*

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