several thoughts

Several times this morning and last night I thought of something I wanted to post about. However, whatever it was can’t be brought to mind, so I’m not going to post about it. Take *that*.

Let’s see. Sunday, Ted and I drove down to Longview to visit his aunt and grandmother and parents, who happened to be there as well, so that was a very nice day. They had a rocking chair which did wonders for my back. I want one!

Monday was mostly pretty low-key. Oh, we went to Pike’s Place Market, where it was very cold indeed, and Breic spent quite a lot of time feeding himself quite a lot of rice at the Chinese restaurant we went to. That was entertaining. :) Got lost coming home, but got straightened out again, and that evening we went over to Grandma’s, where Breic was extremely charming. Tuesday we took Grandma out to lunch, then went to visit Aunt Mabel, and eventually made our Very Slow Cautious Way to the airport. At 5pm on a workday, there were never more than a countable number of cars on any one stretch of the freeway. The roads were a bit scary. We got out a couple of hours late, but we made it home that night, which is more than Ted’s parents did — his Mom called from Portland yesterday to say they were still there (they were supposed to leave on Tuesday night just like we were!). Deirdre and Gavin didn’t get out of Seattle until something like 5 hours late, themselves, and apparently, just to top off the whole weekend, upon arriving in the San Francisco airport, Breic had a poop explosion the likes of which had never been seen before.

Despite all that, I, at least, really had a wonderful time!

2 thoughts on “several thoughts

  1. Ah yes, always a good ploy to prevent those of us still childless from wanting A Breic Of Our Own Right Now! ™ That would be the adorable pictures combined with mention of catastrophic poop incidents.

    You’ve learned well from Stella. :)

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