sooooooo envious

Approximately half the known world, or at least half my known world, will be in New York this weekend for Comic Con, and I am *so* envious. Sadly, though, we didn’t win the lottery yesterday, so we’re not jet-setting off the the Big Apple. Maybe next year… I guess I got up too early. I was exhausted before I did anything, and then the cats sat on me when I sat down to write, and they emitted sleep rays, and I succumbed. Ted got up before I’d entirely fallen asleep,…

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I just got the unfinished painting for the cover for Chance #2. OH. MY. *GOD*. I donno when I’m going to be able to show it off (not for a while yet, because the comic’s going to *preview* at San Diego, and *launch* in September, rather than launching in July as previously thought), but OH MY *GOD*. Responses from the handful of people I’ve shown it to have been: “Um. Jesus Christ”, “oh NICE”, “super hot”, “oh my GOD”, and “I’d buy that,” which I correctly interpreted as “I’d hit…

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