beaten & bruised, but better

Holy mother of frogs am I tired. I got up at about 5am to do an arguably insane thing I do every once in a while, which is travel half the length of the country (literally: it’s 250km to drive there, and from the northern tip of the Republic to the southern tip, it’s about a 550km drive, BUT because the train is not direct, it’s probably more like 300km of travel one way) to visit my very excellent PT. It’s expensive and time consuming and it’s possible that each of…

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Kitsnacks: Chocolate Meringue Cookies

I have a lot of left over egg whites after making lemon curd last week and in my kind of never-ending quest to find things to do with them, I made these actually quite intensely chocolately meringue cookies. I tried one, thought it was pretty good, offered one to Dad, he thought it was good, so I went to Indy and said, “My son, the moment has come when I must call upon you to perform one of the sacred duties of childhood.” Indy: ::groans loudly:: Me, handing him a cookie:…

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Theodore "Teddy" Logan, my Call of Cthulhu character, as depicted by Keanu Reeves in A Walk In The Clouds.

Call of Cthulhu: The Forces of Darkness

The game started this evening with my dad walking by the room and saying, “Good luck to Teddy as he faces the forces of darkness,” which was overheard in the chat, causing everyone to laugh and ask if that was our son. “No!” we said. “It’s my dad/father in law!” “Oh!” they said. “Would he like to play?” ::laughs:: One of our players has had to drop out, so we’ve got a new character, Caliope Baxter, a disgraced socialite who now studies parapsychology and whose presence Lord Summerset, the classist…

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Theodore "Teddy" Logan, my Call of Cthulhu character, as depicted by Keanu Reeves in A Walk In The Clouds.

Call of Cthulhu: Teddy, Irritating Moral Compass

This week’s CoC session began with us still in Derby, where we spent a while trying to figure out how to break into the walk-in safe on the factory floor (a factory which, if you will recall, two of our party broke into “because we hoped there might be monsters,” only to be told straight-up by the GM that there were no monsters here, lads, you’re just criminals. :laughs:), a conversation that eventually went: GM: You do have dynamite. Dylan, sharpshooter: That’s right, I do! Teddy, horrified: We cannot blow…

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My new shifter romance PEACOCK ON PARADE is available now! This is the second in an ongoing story of novellas set around the fictionalized Fota Wildlife Park in Cork, Ireland; in these books, it’s the Shamrock Safari Wildlife Park and many of its residents–either permanent or temporary–are shifters who can transform from human into an animal form and back again. They’re light, fun, and charming, and I got to borrow a friend’s name for the heroine of this one, which made it even more fun to write than usual. :D…

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