art class: lesson one

I’ve been drawing just enough now to remember that I think I could be pretty good at this if I practiced a great deal more. It’s inspired me to, well. About a hundred thousand years ago I bought a basic drawing course on Udemy, and I’ve been moved to start it. Do I think I’ll do the whole thing? No, not really. But the first assignment is a 2-part project to do your best at drawing a realistic eye, which you follow along with the course teacher to do. Here’s…

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developing a book proposal

Earlier this year, before acquiring an agent, I wrote a very short, like back-of-book-blurb, romantasy proposal that I sent to an editor I had access to. She asked for a full proposal (a full synopsis, 3 chapters), and that’s been on a back burner while I’ve been doing a thousand thousand other things. But yesterday I got to get started on it, and… I’ve talked often about how I tend to get to the 1/3rd mark in any book, no matter how long, and hit a wall that I have…

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committing art

It struck me recently that I could do sketching during gaming and other zoom calls that weren’t Art Zoom (which i haven’t been to in ages, mea culpa), so this is a little art dump of stuff I’ve done…pretty recently. The face/head was very difficult on this one, but overall I’m kind of pleased with it. Adorka stock photography model for both this and the next one. I’m…less pleased with this one, but the hair and shoulders are pretty good, I think. This one the model kindly complimented me on…

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september was so busy, omg.

I spent a lot of September going “Jesus I’m completely overwhelmed how am I going to get everything done I can’t this is horrible” kinds of day, and I just wanted to crawl in a hole and cry. Then I looked at my Thinks To Do list for the month, which…was completely insane. I did So Goddamn Much in September. This is not actually quite everything, I’d forgotten to put things on and I’d not expanded a couple of the dropdowns. No wonder I was freaking out. So that, folks,…

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I have been remiss in mentioning that CAULDRON BORNE, Book 5 of the Walker Papers* is available for preorder and will be out in a few days! *formerly WALKING DEAD, Book 4 of the Walker Papers! this whole renumbering thing is confusing enough without changing a book name, but I did anyway! I actually had to re-read this one to write the back cover copy, because while I remembered the graveyard scene and the name of one of the characters who was murdered, that was almost literally everything I remembered…

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