I’m the only person in the office who thinks it’s anything like warm enough to be wearing a tanktop. *snicker* I did bring my jacket with me, because Caltrain is usually cold, but the orofice certainly isn’t.

Snif. I got to the theatre too late last night to pick up last-minute tickets for The Lion King. I’m going to cut out of work a little early on Thursday and zoop over and see if I can get a good seat.

However, instead of getting tickets for TLK, what I *did* do was get all of Laura’s edits done, and finished up the last of Dad’s, except for a few things I’m going to look up and take notes on in a minute here. There are one or two points that both Laura and Dad wanted me to clarify that I haven’t done yet ’cause I left to go see if I could get tickets to TLK. And odds are that I won’t get ’em done tonight, because I’ve got to go out to Mountain View and have dinner at Chef Chu’s (aww, POOR ME!). So I’ll do them in the morning and if I’m up early enough I’ll go over to Kinko’s and make a disk copy and SEND IT TO NEW YORK AHAHAHAHAH.


Otherwise I’ll send it Friday morning.

Must go to the post office today and get a box for 1. books and 2. the shaman rattle. Possibly just one box, mind you, but I must do that so I can pack ’em up and send ’em tomorrow and not have to worry about them. The rattle is *so* gorgeous, and I doooooooo not want to trust the airlines with it in any fashion whatsoever.

Okay, work stuff.

Which is to say, I’m posting more about work.

We met with the consultants yesterday, the HTML group did. Barb was VERY down after talking to them, although I was less so, because it sounded pretty clear to me that the new company *doesn’t* have people in place to do the job that we do. That may be meaningless, because hey, they might just hire new people to do it, ’cause they obviously want our content and seem to be less interested in *us*, but I prefer to take the more positive point of view. After all, it doesn’t hurt to do that.

Rumor has it that the new boss knows that all the uncertainty is morale-busting and that he hopes to announce what’ll be happening within a few weeks. In the meantime we’re to proceed with business as usual, although *my* boss (not Barb, but Steve, the department head) told one of the engineers that if he were her, he’d be looking for a new job, so there’s not a lot of positive feeling going around here.

But hey, I see PangoMedia is hiring. Not for a web person, but sysadminny/hosting stuff that I could almost certainly handle. I’ll talk to Geoff and apply, because What The Heck, right?

Um. Hrm. Let’s see. What else? I’m sure there’s more to say about work, except there really *isn’t*. Nobody knows what’s going on. Eventually we’ll find out. And that’s pretty much the long and the short of it.

miles to Lothlorien: 5 (out of 477)

1 thought on “

  1. We’ll be waiting for you in Lothlorien! Best get a move on or all the nice flavors of ice cream will be devoured by the time you get there and you’ll be stuck with the bubble gum and rocky road.

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