We went berry picking! Raspberries, and while none of us alone got what looked like much, when we put them together into one bucket it looked like a reasonable amount. I should ask Mom how much there was. Were? Whichever.
Thwarted in chiropracting yesterday. Went over, and they stared at us in bafflement and said, “The doctor’s not in today.” I said, “Uh, I made an appointment last week for today.” They said, “We called to say it was cancelled.” No, they didn’t. There’s no message and Shaun didn’t take one. If they called, they didn’t call *us*.
Battery in the Audi was dead. *snort* Although he’d warned us he’d drained it once accidentally, so okay. Now to get the speedometer fixed, although I’m sure that won’t happen until we’re back from Writer’s Weekend.
Rewrote half of chapter 3 yesterday. Shall try to get the rest of it done today.
What else. Haven’t been walking so much the last few days; the hours are disappearing somewhere. (Into City of Heroes, probably.) I’m going to try to get in 2 miles a day while in Seattle, though. That would be good.
I wonder if we should ask Mom and Dad to take Chanti for the weekend so she won’t be AAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL ALLLLLOOOOOOOONE for hours and hours and hours on end.
Oh, and I got passport pictures taken yesterday. They’re by far the least awful I’ve ever had taken. They might even border on reasonably good.
Now, off to the chiro, then the bonkbonkbonk to get a bonk manager to sign the pictures and passport app, and then…home again, I guess.
Exciting life, no?
ytd wordcount: 209,800
miles to Lothlorien: 135