Heep heep hooray! The script for Chance #2 is done! I think this one only took me about 24 hours, instead of 40, although it’s 2000 words longer. 24 hours is good.

Jesus, have I *nothing* interesting to talk about? Perhaps I should do a week’s worth of post topics, where people can ask me a question or give me a topic and I’ll write about it. Except I’m not sure I could stand the public humiliation of announcing a topic post week and discovering nobody thought I knew anything worth lecturing on. :)

ytd wordcount: 153,000
miles to Isengard: 26

2 thoughts on “292

  1. Sadly, the whole international cabal of book smugglers thing has totally been done to death. ;)

    Here’s a couple of broad categories with example ideas, just to help get things rolling:

    – Writing.
    — What makes a story more than just a narrative of events?
    – Political theory.
    — What’s wrong? What would fix it?
    – Trivia
    — How does it feel being possibly the only person in existence who has Labyrinth on his/her/its list of interests but does not include David Bowie?

    Or you could just poll your readers for fun ways to make me go away…

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