
Well, Ted’s been laid off from his job. It’s hard to blame them, since you can’t really cook or cut things up when your right wrist is broken and you’re right-handed, but what a pain. They said to come back when he’s healed up and they’ll be glad to hire him back again if they’ve got a position for him, so we’ll see. Either that or he’ll just get to job hunt again.

Um. That’s about the sum total of excitement that I know about right now. It looks like we’ll have movers come on Wednesday (YAY), so I’m going to go up to Dublin or Athy on Tuesday and be there for all of that.

In other news, I broke 20K on PL today. A mere 60K to go!

9 thoughts on “:/

  1. Oh No! buuuuut…
    Its most likely fate, and a better job will be waiting to be found once he’s wrist has healed!
    Good to hear your going to be staying in Cork!

  2. Well if that ain’t something to shake a stick at…he could train to become ambi..amba…dual-handed though. ;)

    Oh and I saw Cork on TV Saturday Night…Bobby Flay was there doing a show on Irish food (granted it was an older show…but new to me). Looks pretty spiffy.

  3. Sorry to hear Ted broke his wrist and lost his job as a result. :( At the moment the most important thing is for him to heal, so make sure he takes it easy.

    And very cool on breaking the 20k barrier! YAY!


  4. Glad to hear he and the baby are ok.
    Err…Tried to send you an email and it came back. Can you send me your current address?
    Miss you!

  5. I guess it’s not all that surpising that they decided not to keep Ted on, but the fact that they’d like him back once he’s healed is a good sign, I suppose. I’ll hope he’s back at full speed in the kitchen soon, and that he maybe even ends up with a better job in the end.

  6. Argh!

    I’m so dubious that they’re allowed to fire him for breaking his arm. Really. Citizen’s Advice Bureau?

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