Halfway through PHOENIX edits. Still nothing traumatizing. I’m enjoying this book. I said, as I usually do, in some astonishment, to Ted, “I think this is pretty good,” and he, as usual, snorted at me and expressed Great Surprise, No, Really. (Sometimes, to be fair, I say I think maybe it’s not all that good, and then he doesn’t believe me. I’m so put-upon. I think.

Let’s see, what do I know. I got an emailed interview request yesterday, so when that’s posted I’ll point people at it. That made me quite cheerful last night. And today’s my Mom and Dad’s anniversary! Happy anniversary to them. :)

And oh, hey, I found a couple local photography clubs (Cork-based, if not so local as Cobh-based) and I’ve emailed them to see if they meet regularly or whatnot, so *waves a little flag* go me. One small step for a Kit, one giant step for socializing. Or trying to, anyway. :)

Guess that’s it. God, I’m boring.

miles to Mount Doom: 468

5 thoughts on “

  1. The key is to find the right balance between having enough fun to share nifty experiences with readers (also known as “good fun”) and having so much that you can’t sit still to write (which would be “bad fun”).

  2. Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad from Rhonnie too, I assume they read this quite regularly!!

  3. Yes, point me at the interview when it’s available, and i’ll put something on Irish SciFi News about it, as well as something about what you’ve done.

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