639 November 28, 2006 : -cracks up- : did you do the Firefly thing? : You mean, does my butt light up and blink when I’m trying to sexually attract someone? : … Firefly fridge notes (! complete with the occasional nicked doodle, it appears…) Share this:TweetLike this:Like Loading...
I love that. Thanks for sharing it. We spent Thanksgiving night eating turkey and watching Firefly. I wasn’t sure what was yummier, Mal or the pie. Loading...
I figured when I saw your name credited, but I didn’t see that until after I’d typed this in, so I just left it. :) Loading...
is responsible for the notes. They cracked me up, and I don’t know anything about Firefly… Loading...
Is that why it was doing that!
I love that. Thanks for sharing it. We spent Thanksgiving night eating turkey and watching Firefly. I wasn’t sure what was yummier, Mal or the pie.
*grin* They asked permission to nick it, so it was all good. I approve.
I figured when I saw your name credited, but I didn’t see that until after I’d typed this in, so I just left it. :)