I am very fond of this picture of Ted and me, taken by John Reppion at P-Con IV in March:
We are going away tomorrow for three days. Friday is our 10th anniversary, and we’re going to go celebrate. :)
miles to Minas Tirith: 146
I am very fond of this picture of Ted and me, taken by John Reppion at P-Con IV in March:
We are going away tomorrow for three days. Friday is our 10th anniversary, and we’re going to go celebrate. :)
miles to Minas Tirith: 146
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Happy anniversary! :)
WOO! congrats!
Aww! Cuteness. Have a great time on your (extended I hope) anniversary.
10 years? Wow, and I are only 8 years married and we’re WAY older than you kids.
10th anniversary? Congratulations! Yay! Have a great celebration.
Hey, you guys are cute. ^_^ Congrats on the ten year thing and enjoy the weekend!
Congrats and Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your mini-vacay. :)
You two are an absolutely adorable couple. Many more happy anniversaries to you. :)
Happy anniversary!
God, you guys look so . . . grown up and married, or something.
No, seriously, congratulations.
And how dare you get married one day before our anniversary, by the way!
zomg. It seems like only yesterday!
Americans get married much earlier than Irish, it appears. :)
Happy anniversary from us too.
(10 years, 5 months and counting. So I won’t echo the ‘noob’ comment *grin*)
That’s for sure. It always surprised me to meet grad students (and even college seniors) getting married in their early twenties.
You guys have managed to make it last though, so you’re bucking the national trend. Long may it continue.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!! Have fun!
Congrats! It’s always so nice to hear about marriages actually lasting these days…(20 years and 3 months here!)
Our 11 year anniversary is in October. So we’re only ahead of you guys by a little bit. :)
But then we met on teh intarwebs, so we’re freaks.
Oh wait, we were AT your wedding, sheesh.
(17 years come Saturday for us.)