Things I’ve learned today: boys are hard to draw!
Got ANGLES out for the RMFW contest and MD out for the WW contest. Sent a query letter to the Donald Maass Literary Agency to see if they’d like to represent me. Worked on the above drawing ’cause I couldn’t work on the Chance drawing because my good inking pens have disappeared and I need to buy new ones. Luckily, I have this gift certificate to the art store… :)
Um. Things I need to do over the next few days include:
1. work on (finish) the mermaid for Ellen
2. work on the Chance script
3. write Childreach letters
4. buy good inking pens
5. GO TO THE SinC MEETING, DARN IT! 7pm Tuesday!
6. … there is no #6. Or maybe there is no spoon.