*helpless giggles*

*helpless giggles* I just found a note from Deirdre in which she mis-spelled her own name. There is an arrow pointing to the error, and written below the arrow it says, “damn”. *helpless laughter*

Accomplished thus far today: uhm. Not a lot. Blueberry pancakes for breakfast, compliments of Ted, thence shopping and discussion of how to build a new bookcase so we could rearrange the living room and make it look more open, thence home-coming where I finished (reading) a book, thence filling out PFD paperwork, thence trying to find the Irish citizenship paperwork, which is not going so well right now. I’ve managed to unpack a box that’s been sitting in our bedroom for nearly a year, and to spread much of the stuff that was in the box into piles around the room (which, if you were wondering, is in no way an improvement), and the slow reclaiming from chaos of the lower two shelves of one of the bookcases in the bedroom. Thus far, however, there’s no sign of the paperwork. Fnrt.

OTOH, there will be pork roast for dinner this evening, so clearly life isn’t all bad. :)