PT Session # whatever


Saw my PT yesterday. My PT is lovely. We geeked out over being eager to see Logan. :) Anyway, I was (and am) feeling pretty emotionally wrecked, and asked her to take it a little easy on me.

Sure, she said. It must be the weather, she said; her first three clients that morning had cried, she said. Gawd.

Anyway, she did take it easy on me, and said, post-work, that I was really a lot looser overall and that she was totally justified in going easier on me. That was kind of unexpected, really, but nice to hear. And there were places, especially on my hips, where she was still definitely doing enough work to get the FLIBBA FLUBBA WUBBA muscle shudder (which my massage therapist friend E tells me is technially “fasciculation” or something like that, not FLIBBA FLUBBA WUBBA) going, but without nearly the level of OH GOD BREATHE THROUGH IT that previous sessions have held. So that’s probably good.

I’ve got one more next week and then I’m out of money on my magic gift certificate card, so we’ll see after that. :)
