free day off

So with my unexpected day off (ok, typing with a jammed ring finger REALLY SUCKS :( ) I went to the chiropractor, which hoo boy did I need, and finished reading Dime Store Magic, which was okay. Then we went to see Spider-Man 2 again, and it was considerably better in focus, although this time the theatre was hotter than the hearth of hell. There were signs up all over the theatre saying, “Due to this being an older building and the sheer number of people buying Spider-Man tickets, the air conditioning may not be able to handle it and the theatres may be hot.” Yeah, well, I don’t believe they had the AC on at all. I think it would’ve handled it a lot better if they’d turned it on. :P

Then we went over to Mom and Dad’s and had dinner. Meatloaf, yum. And homemade strawberry shortcake, double yum. :) Came home, watched an episode of The Dead Zone (on DVD), puttered around til bedtime, had dreams about nuclear war (whee!) and got up this morning to start writing. I didn’t actually get any fiction written, but I did get a page-long series proposal and part of a synopsis written, so that’s good. I’ll work on the synopsis more later today, I think, and then if I can get a few chapters written I’ll have a proposal. *waves a little flag*

*Must* do some walking today. *Such* a lazy Kit.