I got up this morning with the intent to do my walk early in the day, so I wouldn’t boil my brain in the oncoming heat. My walk–ie, the one I don’t typically take the dog on, because it’s faster and less annoying to go by myself–is usually 2.5 miles, but since I was out early I thought I might do 3 or 4. I got to the 2 mile mark and turned around, got back to Earthquake Park and decided heck, it was beautiful, I felt like walking more, and kept going the opposite direction. After a bit I came to an off-the-trail trail and decided to take it instead of staying on the pavement.
I have suddenly realized why it is that kids run all over the place when they’re playing outside in the summer. It’s to keep away from the mosquitoes. I was well-lathered in bug dope, and walking briskly, but inside of half or three quarteres of a mile I collected at least five new bug bites that I’m aware of and I suspect more that I don’t know about will soon flush my pale, fragile skin with huge violent red dots.
Despite the bug bites, it was a magnificent and wonderful walk. I think I ended up doing about 6 miles, which isn’t too shabby at all. V. pleased with the morning, I am.
We went and watched King Arthur last night, and enjoyed it a great deal. There was less Kiera Knightly in a leather bikini than I expected, and despite it being 3 minutes longer than Spider-Man, the pacing was so much better that it felt considerably shorter. I didn’t think I’d like the guy playing Arthur, but I did, and Horatio HornblowerLancelot has grown up nicely. The beard went a long way towards making him !Horatio, which was a relief. Rumor has it he’s been cast as Reed Richards for the Fantastic Four movie, and I think he might just be okay. Although I hope he can do an American accent.
There was a trailer for Vanity Fair, which I’ve never read, and now I’m trying to decide if I should read it before or after watching the movie, which has a wonderful cast, although I don’t know that I’d have cast Reese Witherspoon as the lead. Everybody else they cast is actually British; why not cast Kate Winslet? Eh, but she’ll probably be fine, and the romantic lead is the guy who played Edward in The Knight’s Tale, so I’d go see it even if they’d cast Kathy Bates as the ingenue lead.
Arright. I’ve eaten breakfast so I won’t pass out in the shower, I’ve stopped sweating so taking a shower has a point, and there are things to be done today (at least, I hope so. I wonder if we’re going to the zoo?), so off I go. Zoom!
miles to Lothlorien: 97.5
ytd wordcount: 208,600