
I think I’ve got most of the bad parts of ch. 13 that were holding me back fixed. The end is still cludgy, but I can fix that. I think ch. 14 is going to look completely different, and then there’s this whole other plot line that I’ve got to figure out how to work in. It’s possible I’m going to have to rip 12 and 13 out again and redo them completely, because Margrit might be in a situation she can’t get out of right now. I don’t know. Mutter. Except she really kind of needs to stay in this situation, because otherwise she’s not throwing in with Alban and she needs to be committed, so … oh, and I should write *that* into the news report.

Writing is hard! Let’s have ice cream!

miles to Lothlorien: 155

2 thoughts on “writing

  1. Heehee. I love writer stream-of-thought posts.

    I feel your pain, too. I’m in the process of gutting and redoing the Kyle disappearing thread and man. *sweat*

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