
I got up early enough to write this morning, but the idea was just unbearable for some reason, so I took the dog for a walk down to the water and back again. Now I feel much better and am prepared to write, but of course now I have to be at the day job. :P

It’s really smoky out today. The air smells sharp and tangy and the sunrise was quite magnificent. It’s chilly out for walking in shorts and a tanktop, but I’d have sweltered wearing sweats or jeans. One of the nicest things about walking early in the morning is that nearly everyone says hello or smiles as you go by. (Except one very grumpy looking man. I whispered, “*He’s* not very friendly, is he?” to Chanti after he scowled his way by, and felt better.)

Someone had put a rather dramatic piece of wood that was shaped a great deal like a moose antler in the middle of the trail next to Earthquake park. I wonder how long it’ll stay there. :)

Let’s see, what else. I emailed a couple of my old teachers last night and have gotten big fat cheery emails back, particularly from Pat Dixon, who says my parents should go visit him next time they’re in Seattle. :) Actually, he said when we’re all on my big booksigning tour they’ll come see us. *laugh* :)

Finished staining the inside of the fence last night. Now there’s just one side left to do. I apparently need to work on my Tom Sawyer routine…

miles to Lothlorien: 200