The hard part about working out is getting up to go to the gym.
Fortunately, we accomplished it again this morning, which I maintain now means we have critical mass for the week and can’t possibly sleep in tomorrow and screw things up. Besides, I woke up at 5am, so I wasn’t really sleeping well anyway. Ted’s hope of not getting up was doomed from the start. :)
Go go SpaceShipOne!
Let’s see, what else. Oh, I sent a synopsis critique to someone, and I was reasonably certain she was going to hate me, because I picked on several flaws with the structure of the story (they were of the particularly aggravating sort, because the bones of the story are good and it was one of those, “If you can fix these few things, you’ll have a *great* story,” but they do require a fair amount of rewriting), but she said she doesn’t hate me and that I’d illuminated some things that she had been bothered by but hadn’t been able to quite put her finger on. So whew. :)
All right. Sweaty and starving now. Must find food and a shower, not necessarily in that order, and, um, anything else? Nope, not right now.
miles to Lothlorien: 280