Audi just called. They say that because the Morrison Auto Group is an independent dealership they can’t do anything to make them eat the costs of the car repair.
The wind is completely out of my sails. I’m so angry I’m in tears, and so frustrated that I want to fling my hands up and forget about it all, except I’m too angry to do that. I do not know what to do next.
call a lawyer. It would be ridiculous not to, at this point. that’s what lawyers are for, after all. I’m even related to one. You could call her and she woudl be indignant for you and NICE to you.
Agreed about the lawyer. If nothing else you could threaten the Morrison idiots that your lawyer will be contacting them. And to go one step further, you can pay a one-time fee to a lawyer and get a nice nasty official looking letter written to them.
Also, aren’t you a writer or something? Word of mouth, Catie. Write letters to the editor, write letters to Better Business Bureau, talk to anyone who will listen. Word of mouth is HUGE in this small town.. you know that.
Just my two cents… *clink clink*
I think you should call Morrison and speak to a manager. I think you should tell the manager that you really don’t think you should have to pay the cost of the repair OR for the speedometer because they lied to you and have kept your car for 8 weeks, thereby inconveniencing you, and see what the manager says. If you don’t get satisfaction, call a lawyer.
And in any case, I’d spread it all over the ‘net. I’d write a letter to the BBB, I’d post at Click and Clack, I’d compile all the stuff from you site with all the notes from Audi and Morrison, and I’d post them everywhere they might get read.
I agree with yer mah. Call the manager first, but if you get no action call a lawyer and post it everywhere possible. Also, after the elections, your might want to call the TV stations around town and see if they are interested in the story.
Evil Bastages! Give ’em what for!!!
Joining the chorus:
Lawyer. Call one; these people have had grace to get their act together and they have responded by wanting you to pay for their carelessness.
Bad mothership. Bad, bad mothership.
Get a mailing address and fax number for the mothership and for Mr. Morrison at Morrison Auto Group (or whoever is truly at the top of the food chain over there).
Don’t threaten to have a lawyer get in touch with them, just do it. I’m sure someone can put together a nice serious letter to mail and fax to both those parties.
Then write up a nice account of the whole infuriating series of events and go a-posting to Audi forums (and other auto enthusiast) online. The BBB would be nice, too, as well as the other suggestions for making a general public nuisance that have already been offered. I might even suggest dropping a line to the folks at Autoblog.
Get enough links to a web page about your ordeal and you haunt them in search engine results for a long time.
Do you have a consumer advocate person at a local TV station? Here in Houston, people can be especially afraid of Marvin Zindler, and not just for his looks…