I need a vacation.

It’s getting gloomy out. I mean weather-wise, not politically. Getting darker. Snowing. I’m in a bad mood. I don’t want to deal with the Audi at *all*. I don’t want to let them walk over me, but right now I don’t see any point in trying to fight all this stupidity. I feel like I’m going to lose anyway, so why bother. Which is of course exactly what they want, and is why I *should* deal with it, but I’m still so frustrated and miserable about the whole stupid thing I just want to cry.

Between the Audi and the election I got nothing done at all yesterday, including the rewrite on a page of URBAN SHAMAN that I need to do, and I don’t feel much like doing that right now either. I’m going to; I have to get it in the mail tonight, and this afternoon would be better. And it’s really a very small amount of work to do. I just don’t want to deal with it, or anything, right now.

…and after writing all that I don’t like me very much, and don’t imagine you do either, so I’m going to go do the fucking edits and kick a wall or something.

miles to Lothlorien: 373

4 thoughts on “I need a vacation.

  1. I like you just fine!

    For the record, I don’t feel very good or productive today either. It seems pretty universal among people I’ve talked to.

  2. Don’t be upset…it is Post-Election Democrat Depression (or something equally blah-ifying). It has been one of those days.

    You are very much allowed to rant all you want in your blog, so don’t feel like you have offended or upset anyone! You have read much ranting and upsetness on my blog so try and have a good day!

  3. I still like you too. And who could stay optimistic, with as gloomy as it is today (weather & mood)?

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