
Copy edits are done. I am tired of this book again, which, given I’ve read it four times in four days, is not really a surprise. I will go photocopy the manuscript so I have my own copy of the edits, and then I will put it in the mail. I would like to do these things tonight, but if it waits til the morning, well, I can live with that. As long as it’s out of here by noon tomorrow.

Ted’s gone to get the Audi. I just don’t have the heart to deal with it right now. I’ll write letters and whatnot in the next few days, but I want the car and I just don’t have it in me to deal with them right now. It’s frustrating and I’m unhappy about rolling over, but the idea of trying to deal with it all just makes me want to cry, and it’s not worth it. (My aunt did suggest that I borrow five children under the age of six and bring them to the dealership and explain I’d really like to get the thing settled. She figured if you have five kids running around wreaking havoc they’ll concede anything to get them out of there. I figured if you told kids they’d get ice cream for being as badly behaved as possible, you could probably get some really wretchedly behaved children. A very tempting solution. :))

Ted is annoyed as hell at the comic shop, because the twit who orders gaming stuff didn’t order the Ravenloft thing he wanted when it first came out, and then apparently despite more than one person asking about it, only ordered one copy, which someone else reserved and so Ted still does not have one. Ted is taking his gaming business elsewhere, at this juncture.

Shaun is also annoyed at the comic shop, because he brought his list of comics in to get a pull box set up (something which took 6 weeks for them to do when Ted brought his list in) and was told that the guy who did that had been cut down to 3 days a week because he kept showing up to work late, and rather than assign someone else to do it, they just had no idea how long it would be before Shaun’s pullbox got set up.

Bosco’s customer service ranks right up there with Audi’s, yep. Go team go.

I’m hungry and tired. I’ve only done 1.5 miles of my walking today. It’s slippery as hell out there, and I don’t really want to go out walking now, with home-coming traffic and the rapidly fading light.

Can we have a do-over, please?

On the up side, Emily will be here overnight, on her way through to Orycon, and Mom came over this afternoon with a bunch of old photos and things from a long-lost relative she found a few weeks ago, so we scanned stuff in and that was fun.

Going the hell away from the computer now.

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