Jai called up last night just as I was finishing baking the pumpkin pie, and said she had the evening free of her daughter and did I want to go to a movie. Indeed I did, so we went to see “Shall We Dance”, which I liked as well the second time, and then went out for coffee and talked for an hour before trundling off home. It was *really* nice. Her hair’s all short and fliffy and cute!
Then I came home and played City of Heroes until 1 in the morning. Oop. :) But I made level 13 with Petite!
Oh, and: today is my I-get-to-take-a-Thanksgiving-break-from-no-sugar day/deadline/whatever. I didn’t manage to lose 10 pounds total, although I’m not very surprised by that because I really haven’t exercised worth mentioning for the last week. I have, though, lost 8 pounds in the last 7 weeks.
My next goal is to lose another 5 pounds in the next 4 weeks and maintain that through the week leading up to and including Christmas, which I’m declaring a week off the sugarless diet. I’m going to buy some ice cleats so I can start walking again, which should help. I would like to lose a total of 7 more pounds by January 7th.
Thank you!