Gaming last night was an absolute riot. I think I’d better just do a sweeping general write-up of the last 3 sessions, because trying to break it down into detail is overwhelming me. But we had a terribly good time. :) Some of the highlights included Mia being boosted up on a balcony so she could sneak into a hotel room, and all the guys commenting about looking up her dress, which made Melissa (Mia’s player) blush so hard she got tears in her eyes, and Christopher’s mispronunciation of “braziers” as “brassieres” (which begot FLAMING BOOBIES! as well as Jack’s comment, “1890s, 1960s, it’s all good!”). We had a fantastic time. :)
I went and bought ice gripper shoe things, so I will start alking again today. It’s 35 and melting out there. Buh.
We ate too much Thanksgiving leftovers again last night, and once more I’m still full from yesterday. I had two more pieces of pie (my Thanksgiving Day had to last long enough to get rid of most of the pumpkin pie, or I’d have eaten it anyway and then been grumpy about it, so I figured I’d give myself a 48 hour window) and really didn’t need them. I mean, blah. Too full, too sweet. Very strange, what going off sugar for a couple of months will do to you.
Okay. Off to drink water and maybe do some Christmas shopping or something.
I was a bit of a bad thing (but Thanksgiving is only once a year!) and had roughly one and a half pieces of pie (four verysmall slices, two each of lemon meringue and pumpkin) and whoa, was that too much. I was all crazy-buzzing from the sugar and just kinda felt like crap from eating so much. Which is very different than things would have been last Thanksgiving.
Sadly, this newfound whatever-it-is didn’t keep me from eating, er, the entire bag of Riesen I bought because I’m planning to watch Chocolat and Leigh Ann said to have chocolate on hand. So now I’m out out of chocolate and went over by about 10 points yesterday. At, er, least I’m under points today (yay for beans and lots of fiber!). o.O
There was a similar brazier/brassiere story in one of my old gaming groups. Some GM described a six-foot-wide bronze brassiere… and the party wanted to Run Away to avoid meeting what wore it.