Arright. I have finished the edits and must go through them and type them in, or write them out, and fax them. I have read things VERY VERY CAREFULLY and concluded that they work, even if my brain is gooey. There is one moderately questionable bit, but I think it does make sense overall and I’m not sure I can find a way to clarify it a little further in the text (I probably can, if I go read things again and decide where to put one more sentence), and then this book is done and I won’t see it again until I get bound copies.
In other news…*blank look* There is no other news. Well, yeah there is. We went and got our new glasses yesterday, but I have to go get mine adjusted, because right now they only rest on the right side of my nose and it feels quite horrible. It’s already confusing enough because they’re featherweights and so light they just feel WRONG.
Ok. Thinks to do today:
1. fax edits
2. do any last changes to BC
3. get glasses adjusted
4. go christmas shopping
5. write
6. walk
miles to Lothlorien: 413.5