I’m going to have to walk another 2.25 miles tomorrow so I can even out my mileage. Hrmph. :)
Um. Let’s see. I’ve gone through the first 3 chapters of O:C and ended up writing a whole bunch of notes for motivational stuff and when The Truth Will Out later in the book, so that’s great. Prepared to cut a bunch of stuff that’s going to end up in the epilogue/final chapter. Feeling, at the moment, as if the puddle of drek that is this book might be salvageable. Of course, the first 3 chapters were already the most-edited. So we’ll see how I feel after another 6 or 9 chapters tomorrow. :)
Hungry. Headachy. The apple I ate wasn’t very good. Sad Kit. But Shaun got wood screws, so hopefully Nook 2.0 will be finished tonight! I’ve backed up all my writing from Little in preparation for moving it to Nook, and…yah. That’s about all I know.
miles to Lothlorien: 451.75
Oh! My turn?! Good luck learning Italian between now and then.