Lots of things today!
First: official weigh-in. Back down to 171, which is not 168 which is what I really wanted to be at today, but which is also not 174.5, which is what I was at this time last week. So yay! I shall wear size 12 jeans to the Young Dubliners concert tonight. Yay!
Second: we walked around Costco a bunch last night. That qualifies as my .25 miles, because dammit, I really don’t like having .75s hanging out there like that. *squinchy face* Also, it is -4 out right now according to ADN, and I don’t know that I’m a good enough person to walk the dog when it’s -4 (although she’ll probably guilt me into it). Anyway, we now have some very pretty cherry flooring to put down in the upstairs office, which we may have to do this weekend so we can look at it and decide if we like it enough to go buy more flooring for downstairs. (Got any plans for the weekend, Mom?)
Third: Nook 2.0 is finished! It’s all space-agey and cool!
Old nook, for comparison:
Nook 2.0:
Hee hee hee!
Um. All right. Time to shower and aspirinate myself (know what seems to be bugging my shoulder? Walking on the treadmill. o.O) and then to work on der book.
miles to Lothlorien: 454
Re the weekend – I was thinking of laying a wood floor. Why do you ask?
Re your Nook 2.0 – it looks like you could invite Stephen Hawking over!
Nook 2.0 looks awesome!
That’s very exciting! I also approve of all the framed art. ^_^
Are you holding onto the bar when you’re walking? Try walking without holding on. It’s supposed to be better for you that way anyway. :)