I have had just a completely excellent weekend. There were the concerts on Thursday and Friday which were lots and lots of fun (my throat is still a little sore from yelling and screaming), and then we went over to Cap’n Jack’s for Christopher’s Eberron game yesterday, and that was a blast. I’m playing something called a Warforged, which is a essentially a sentient golum. A construct class fighter. And I’m a monk, so I’ve got flurry of blows and I get two d6 damage attacks every round. I rolled one critical last night and once I rolled max damage, which was 2d6 +8. I totally obliterated that goblin. *beam* It was cool. :) And I’m going to take my next level in Tattooed Monk and get a tattoo of bull strength or breath of fire or something, which I’ll be able to activate um, maybe once a day or maybe once per # of tattoos I have, I forget, but anyway, it’ll be cool. :) I will be a big ugly futhermucker with tattoos. Hee hee hee. :)
Anyway! So that was lots of fun. Then I stayed up far, far too late last night roleplaying with Sarah, who had a total stroke of genius and wrote a really fantastic scene that still makes me all squishy and happy with delight over how it turned out, so *that* was very cool. And when I woke up this morning for the first time in days I actually felt wakeful. I went and met Jai for coffee at noon-thirty and then Ted and I did our shopping, and we found a pretty cheap weight bench that came with 100 pounds worth of weights, so we bought that. (We discovered a while ago that none of our vehicles actually fit in the garage, so we figured we might as well use it for gym stuff.)
And now the great sleepies have come upon me, so I probably need some food, and maybe I’ll make Ted bring me to a movie! Yeah! That’s a good plan!