go me!

I have a fair bit of a headache, a sore throat, a large pot of pea soup and a new chapter. Well. Actually, I took aspirin and cold medicine, so the headache and sore throat are receding, but I do have those other two things for sure. Mm. I tell ya. One thing about being sick is it really makes you appreciate soup.

The one thing I *had* to do today was get that chapter written, so I’m feeling pretty pleased. I’ve now had lunch, and I’m going to walk the dog because I’m such a good person, and then I think I’m feeling up to trying to tackle revising the 3 chapters I have written into something that’ll flow with the new chapters.

Goal for later tonight: walking a couple miles on the treadmill. I’m kind of not wanting to do it in the morning right now because I don’t want to use up all my energy first thing in the day when I’ve got writing to do and I’m sick.

oh! today’s official weigh-in day. I suspect had I not gone to Mom and Dad’s and had an insane amount of deliiiicious fried chicken and biscuits and mmmmm lemon meringue pie for dinner last night I might’ve weighed in a little lighter today, but as it is, I am officially under 170, which means this weekend I get to go get the second hole in my right ear repieced. Yay!

ytd wordcount: 38,300

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