It was a pretty nice St. Patrick’s Day, overall. We went to Mom & Dad’s for corned beef & cabbage for dinner (mmMMMmmm!), and Mom tried out an orange meringue pie recipe instead of lemon meringue. It was pretty good, although not as WOW in flavor as lemon meringue is, so she’s going to try some different stuff with the recipe next time.
Then we went to Craig’s going away party, which was quite a lot of fun. Saw a bunch of people we hadn’t seen in a very long time (including Craig!), and hung out and talked and generally enjoyed ourselves for about an hour and a half before coming home to go tud. *tud* Like that.
All the walking I’ve been doing (and probably getting up earlier, too) is certainly having a good effect on my sleep. I’ve been collapsing into bed and falling asleep fast enough to not notice lying there awake, which is v. unusual for me. And somebody called my cell phone at 6:15 this morning, which woke me up sufficiently that I decided after a few minutes that I’d better just get up, or else I’d sleep for another 45 or 90 minutes and then be annoyed I hadn’t gotten up earlier. So I got 1600 words written before 10 and walked and, er, cleaned up cat vomit and vacuumed and cleaned the kitchen. Woo. *wry look*
And now it’s 11. How does the time just zip away like that? I should get lunch and start laundry and work on the next 3 chapters of TB. The first few chapters are all right. 5 is where it starts needing real work. I understand what needs to be done to fix it. It’s just that there’s a large psychological barrier to actually starting to rip bits apart and rewrite. “But…but…this is how the book is SHAPED!” Yeah, well, it’s shaped *wrong*, so.
Arright. I’m off.
ytd wordcount: 59,300