And the morph of the tv show character meme: the comic book character meme. If you all don’t know who my favorite X-Man is, I’m going to point and laugh at you. :)
1) Post a list of 10 comic books you read (current or cancelled!)
2) Have your friends guess your favorite character from each comic
3) When guessed, tell us why you like that character
1. X-Men. There is one screamingly obvious answer to this one, but the X-Men get subcategories. The answers are *different* for each subcategory, and reflect what I think is the best portrayal of the character in question for each title. :)
a. Age of Apocalypse
b. (New) X-Men
c. Uncanny X-Men
d. X-Treme X-Men
e. Ultimate X-Men
2. Spider-Man
3. ElfQuest
4. Strangers in Paradise
5. Transmetropolitan
6. Birds of Prey
7. Justice League
8. Ultimates
9. Bone
10. Ghost