comic meme answers so far :)

Didn’t go to gaming last night. I’ve been very very tired, so instead I stayed home, watched most of Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood on TNT, and went to bed before 10pm. That was actually pretty nice. My stupid shoulder still hurts, but the headache is gone. Yay. :)

More geekiness. Comic meme answers so far, behind the cut tag.

miles to Rauros Falls: 129

1. X-Men, overall:
Rogue. Duh. :) She’s tough, she’s got great hair, and she’s got enough angst to sink the Titanic. She’s also unstoppable. With her powers, particularly her inherent power (to absorb other people’s powers and memories), you’ve got to be careful of how you write her, because it’s really easy to make a character that powerful a twink. But mostly they don’t. In fact, usually if they screw up it’s in the other direction.

1a. Age of Apocalypse:
not Blink, although that was a good guess

1b. (New) X-Men:
Not Beast, although that’s also a good guess.

1c. Uncanny X-Men:
Not Gambit. Try the other one that seems screamingly obvious, and put Gambit in another title. :)

1d. X-Treme X-Men:
Ted guessed Rogue on this one, because she had a really good storyline in X-Treme. Although I didn’t mean to have a specific Rogue title since she’s my overall favorite, I think he’s right.

1e. Ultimate X-Men
Ted and Deen both guessed Colossus, which surprises me.

2. Spider-Man:
Aberdeen and Irysangel got it right with Spidey himself. I’ve had a crush on Spider-Man since I was 3 years old. He’s cute, he’s smart, and he’s got a smart mouth. And who can resist a man in red tights?

3. ElfQuest:
Irys was not unreasonable in guessing Ember, as I played her for like seven years, but in fact she got it right with her second guess, and Deen got it: Strongbow. It’s the skinny white boy thing, plus the strong and silent type, plus the nose (which got sadly re-shaped as the comic went on), plus he is god-awful stubborn, and I, y’know, like, relate to that.

(Bearclaw, which was Adam’s guess, is a *damned fine* guess, particularly considering that Strongbow and Bearclaw were best friends.)

4. Strangers in Paradise
Ted guessed Katchoo, which is certainly right out of the main cast of characters, but I think there’s one other character I like just a little more, overall.

5. Transmetropolitan
Adam guessed Spider, and Adam is utterly correct. Foul-mouthed, vicious, cruel, and desperately dedicated to the pursuit of truth, Spider is just … wow. I said once I couldn’t figure out if it was Spider Jerusalem’s love kittens I wanted to have, or Warren Ellis’s. Garrett assured me it was Spider’s. :)

6. Birds of Prey
Not even Ted got this one. :)

7. Justice League
Adam got it with Batman. I mean, c’mon. He’s *Batman*. Do I need to explain anything more?

8. Ultimates
Thor. I cannot stand the regular world Thor, but omigod do I love the Ultimate Thor. This is a dude who refuses to help save the world until the president triples the foreign aid budget. I love it. :) Plus he gets all the good lines. (Black Widow, to Tony Stark: “THAT’S your plan? You’re going to get the madman who thinks he’s a god to teleport the ship away? We’re DOOMED.” Thor: “Oh ye of little faith.” Hee hee hee.)

9. Bone
Actually, it’s not Fone Bone, although that’s a good guess on Irys’s part.

10. Ghost