can’t STAND it!

All right, I just can’t STAND it anymore, I HAD to bid on that remarkably-colored sari. If I win it, I will see if it has seams that can be let out enough to make it fit me once I hit my weight goal (I did email and ask that, but got no answer), and if I do not win it, at least I’ll have driven the price up some, because it’s damned cheap and if I’ve gotten this much lust out of just gazing at pictures, it should cost more. -.-

I do not have irrational urges to own clothes. I can think of exactly one other outfit in my entire life that I’ve wanted as much as I want that outfit, and that’s my grey pinstripe suit. There’s stuff at J. Peterman that I want, but that stuff doesn’t have a MUST HAVE NOW rider attached to it. The sari might not either, if the auction weren’t ending, but it is and man. I want that outfit. Oh well, that’s what allowances are for, right? Right.

And if it can’t be made to fit me, perhaps Mom and I can figure out something cool to do with the awesome awesome fabric.