A good writing day today. I finished my first new chapter and launched into rewriting the intro of the next chapter, and ended up with six pages of new text. That’s good. About 2900 words all told today, plus 1700 or so from dinking around the day before that. Enjoying it much more now, and I think I can use pretty much everything I’ve already got written, although I’ve *got* to get Alisha back Stateside for a couple-three chapters, and that might have to happen between what I’m doing now and, well, anyway, it seems to be going well. :)
Emily is in town! We don’t know exactly what it is we’re doing, but she’s here and there will be hanging out! That’ll be good! :)
All right. I have promised myself that today I’ll start weight lifting, and I haven’t done it yet, so I’m going to, uh, go read a comic book until dinner settles some more, and then lift some weights. Because I Said So, That’s Why.
miles to Rauros Falls: 166
ytd wordcount: 94,800