
All right, I got 1100 words written this morning and I stopped for breakfast and I’ve been totally dorking around for the last hour, so I’m going to write a blog entry so I’m at least *typing*, and then perhaps I can get myself to write the other 1500 words I need to get done today. Sheesh.

Record-breaking temperatures here in Alaska this week. It was 65 the last couple days and is supposed to get as warm today. I get to go BIKING after my words are done, so you’d think I’d been inspired instead of dorking around, but nope. Dork dork dork, instead.

Mom brought me a perfectly fantastic brown tweed straight-line skirt with a kick pleat and a narrow row of buttons up the left front. She’d bought it in Ireland a few years ago because it was irresistable (it really is a fantastic skirt) and she’s since undergrown it, so since I’ve lost weight she brought it to see if I’d fit, and I DO! Mom’s four inches shorter than me. I never thought I’d fit in anything of hers. :) It’ll fit even better in another 5 pounds, and I need to find some good shoes to wear with it, and an even better shirt, because it’s just an awesome skirt. Very 40s. I luffs it.

We have reduced our books by another two boxes since last I posted, though we haven’t yet brought ’em to Title Wave. We are long past the point where we thought we’d have to get divorced if we culled any more books. :) We’ve also removed all the shelves on the wall by the fireplace, and the wall looks very naked and empty now. Also like it needs to be washed, hole-filled and repainted. :)

Last night was my RWA meeting, which was probably more fun than any I’ve been to previously. There were new members (not all that new, really, but I hadn’t been since sometime toward the end of last year, so) and it was much more organized than any meeting I’ve been to here previously, so that was really cool. Plus somebody complimented my cemurphy site and someone else observed that I had lost weight, so life was good. :)

Ted is DONE! with culinary school! And he is very glad to be done, and I gotta say, the meals he “just throws together” now are really quite astonishing. I mean, y’know, mostly we still just have ordinary food, but then when he makes something special, wowee. Culinary school *good*!

What else? Not much, I guess. :)

ytd wordcount: 100,000 (YAAAAAY!)
miles to Rauros Falls: 176

1 thought on “Pfft.

  1. Congratulations to Ted! He can come cook dinner for me any time he likes (see how generous I am?)!

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