An entry mostly made up of numbers:
1 salwar-kameez opened (it’s beautiful! it fits! it’ll fit better soon!)
23 miles biked
2 3 miles walked
1 monitor on the fritz
1 pair of size 14 shorts falling off me
2 moose viewed
3 bald eagles sighted
3 “way rad!” comments by passers-by regarding the recumbent
1 half hour spent weight lifting
It is *way* too damned nice out to be indoors. I’m going to go play ball with the dog. :)
miles to Hobbiton: 86.7
miles to Rauros Falls: 178 179
ytd wordcount: 101,800
God I’m cool. :)
It’s warmer there than it is here! It’s always really bizarre when that happens. Enjoy the nice weather for me.