We made it two days in Hawaii before searching out net access. Aren’t you proud of us? Of course, we can’t get to our email or anything, so there’s not a *great* deal of point in hanging out online for long. :)
Having a lovely time so far, wish you were here. :)
I am, incidentally, reading this book called URBAN SHAMAN, by C.E. Murphy. I have it on good authority that C.E. Murphy thinks it’s pretty weird to be reading a printed copy of one of her own books. :)
That was brave of you! Such a long time to go before searching for net access!
Did you happen to notice that Amazon has up a cover for Winter Moon?
Don’t forget to wear sunscreen! Our people are not genetically suited to that hot sun!
You sure know how to have a good time, huh? That’s not the kind of surfing you’re supposed to do in Hawaii! *hug* :) Wish I was there, too. Sunshine…
Someone sent me an autographed copy of this book that has your name on it.
The cover is even cooler in person.
And radio tour. Clearly, I ought to check your blog more often.
SQUEEEEEE! I got an autographed book!
Wow. Amazon says:
Winter Moon
by Mercedes Lackey, Tanith Lee, C. E. Murphy
Someone who shall remain nameless (Sarah) showed me a signed copy of that book! And I went ‘ooooh, and ahhhhh’ and read the back and thought, “wow, that looks like a really interesting book, I’m going to have to read it!”
P.S. And, I seriously meant that, too, even if I didn’t know who C.E. Murphy was!
I seem to be collecting professional writers as friends. Cool!
As for email, if you can pick up a small USB keydrive, you can carry around an email client: http://johnhaller.com/jh/mozilla/portable_thunderbird/
There are probably others. Not guaranteed to work in all situations, but if you’re getting email withdraw (like, er, sometimes I do), it can help.