two days

We made it two days in Hawaii before searching out net access. Aren’t you proud of us? Of course, we can’t get to our email or anything, so there’s not a *great* deal of point in hanging out online for long. :)

Having a lovely time so far, wish you were here. :)

I am, incidentally, reading this book called URBAN SHAMAN, by C.E. Murphy. I have it on good authority that C.E. Murphy thinks it’s pretty weird to be reading a printed copy of one of her own books. :)

7 thoughts on “two days

  1. That was brave of you! Such a long time to go before searching for net access!
    Did you happen to notice that Amazon has up a cover for Winter Moon?
    Don’t forget to wear sunscreen! Our people are not genetically suited to that hot sun!

  2. You sure know how to have a good time, huh? That’s not the kind of surfing you’re supposed to do in Hawaii! *hug* :) Wish I was there, too. Sunshine…

  3. Someone sent me an autographed copy of this book that has your name on it.

    The cover is even cooler in person.

    And radio tour. Clearly, I ought to check your blog more often.

  4. Wow. Amazon says:
    Winter Moon
    by Mercedes Lackey, Tanith Lee, C. E. Murphy

  5. Someone who shall remain nameless (Sarah) showed me a signed copy of that book! And I went ‘ooooh, and ahhhhh’ and read the back and thought, “wow, that looks like a really interesting book, I’m going to have to read it!”

    P.S. And, I seriously meant that, too, even if I didn’t know who C.E. Murphy was!

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