home again!

Home again, home again, jiggity jig! Our vacation was *lots* of fun and I’ll do some writeups later today, after I’ve…

…found something to eat. Shaun’s gone, too, so there’s literally nothing in the house that can be prepared to eat: no milk for cereal, no bread for toast, no nothing. There’s a pint of buttermilk that’s unopened which might be okay for making quick bread with, but how do you tell if buttermilk’s gone bad? It’s past its open date…

Would you like to know how geeky we are? This is how geeky we are: despite being on vacation in Hawaii, we still saw Revenge of the Sith on opening day, thus contributing to the fifty million dollars it made on Thursday. That’s how geeky we are. :) And I was very pleased with it. Mind you, I don’t bear anything like the loathing for Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones that most of my generation does, because I don’t have the sentimental attachment to the original trilogy, having not seen them until I was around twenty. I thought SW I and II were really pretty much just like the originals, and I was very pleased with how they did the story in III.

*dances around cheerfully* Boy, we had a lot of fun. We were pretty much done Wednesday afternoon, I think; we were both pooped and ready to go home by then. But we still went out and had fun on Thursday, so it was all good.

Oh! And I finished the COYOTE DREAMS proposal, though I’m going to take another look at it before I fling it off into the void, and I cut twenty-five pages from the first 150 pages of HEART OF STONE last night on the airplane. There’s another scene I need to cut later in the book, and Jenn was right, there’s a fairly significant continuity error that cropped up when I did revisions and I didn’t catch it, so I gotta rewrite that. Oop. I think my weekend goal is to get that done, because I’d really like to get it turned around and back out again.

All right, this will not buy the child a frock, so off I go.

1 thought on “home again!

  1. Glad to hear ROTS was good. I rather liked the first two along with the original three of course :) Yay that you had a wonderful vacation!

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