wonderful evening

Nearly my entire family who are in Alaska were at our house tonight for a book/birthday/general celebration. Unka Packy and my cousin Moira Bu were up from Kenai, the latter of whom I didn’t expect and whom I hadn’t seen since she had her babies, the oldest of whom is THREE! and the youngest is like 18 months. So it was lots of fun to see them and meet the boys. And Aunt Eileen and Uncle Pete came out from the Valley, and so did my cousin Erik and his wife Janelle, and my parents came over, and so did our gaming group, so we had quite the full house! It was very noisy. :)

*yawn* And I did (exactly) 50 pages of copy edits, so I don’t feel like a total slacker, and I bought two new pairs of shoes which are pretty cute and which will certainly do for interview things. So that’s good.

I have eaten enormous amounts of junk food, and I am gratefully done with sugar for the next 40 days. So Mote It Be.

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