
Copy edits and revisions done. DONE. *DONE*. I think I’ll mail them instead of faxing them, just because the ms is double-sided and my fax machine isn’t that smart. It’ll be easier to mail them.

Not really panicking, despite the earlier assertion. I don’t have time to panic. I’m just being incredibly methodical, at this point. People keep asking if I’m excited about the radio tour, and no, right now, I’m not. I expect when it’s showtime I will be, but right now it’s just the next thing on my list of things to do (except the stuff I intend to do on the airplane tomorrow, which may just be READING), because if I start getting all excited and antsy I’m going to forget something else important that I need to do.

Hey, those of you in Anchorage, don’t forget I’ve got a radio interview at 5pm tomorrow on KUDO-AM, 1080 on your dial. Tune in if you can!

Ok. Going to finish packing now, and then to sleep. Gotta get up relatively early to get all this stuff off.

miles to Rauros Falls: 269.5

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