What a difference getting up at 6:45 and getting up at 7:45 makes to my mindset. Earlier is better. I feel more like I can tackle things, or something. Like I haven’t already wasted a big chunk of the day. Writing’s hard enough in the summer (I just want to be outside PLAYING), but boy, get me started an hour later and I just feel like everything’s shot to shit. Combine that with the whole “why isn’t this book done yet, I’ve already put lots of work into it” feeling that I tend to get in the last chapters of a novel, and I’m sort of a grump. Eh. Not really a grump. Just a lump. :)
The other annoying thing about summer is that who wants to *sleep* when it’s light out? So I stay up too late, which feeds the getting up later thing. Feh. I think I’ll move to Ireland, where the light is somewhat less extreme. :)
But first I have to write.
*stares at the wall* There was something I forgot to mention yesterday that I was going to mention today, but I can’t remember what it was. Oh, I remember.
Dark chocolate M&Ms are a *good* thing. The dark side is strong in me. Man. Shaun gave me about 12 at the movie last night (I’m off sugar again, another 40 day Lent. Today begins week 2.) and hoo boy. O.O She likes those candies. O.O
She has also re-lost the pound and a half she’d put back on over the first three weeks of June, so the dark side better stay the fuck away from her, or she’ll get medieval on its ass. -.-
Dark chocolate M&Ms are evil. I have a big bag hidden in the house, courtesy of my mom (who also baked them into a giant cookie for my birthday), but am trying to make myself forget where they are so I don’t eat each and every one of them. Evil. I had some of the cookie last night with a glass of chocolate milk made with the Hershey’s Special Dark syrup. Oh, the dark side, it is strong!