Apparently there’s some kind of problem with this new layout and some versions of IE browsers. I can’t see it myself, but the nav bar is evidently overlaying the text area. It has something to do with the CSS margin settings I’m using, I’m pretty sure, but I have no idea how to both fix it and maintain the look of the site, which I like, dammit. So I don’t know what I’m going to do about it right now, but if you’re having trouble reading my site, try the barebones version. :P
Oh, and Starbucks is giving out free ice cream Wednesday. Just so you know.
Just got back from my RWA meeting, which was a nice evening, as usual. A couple people had books for me sign. :) And I evidently have a fan at the Waldenbooks in the Northway Mall, so I’ll need to go over there on Thursday or Friday and say hi. :)
But now I’m going to unplug my monitor and replace it with the new flat panel I just bought. Ted got one too. :)
(Ok, Ted accidentally unplugged the internet, so this is being posted after the new monitor is installed. It’s v. small. V. But nifty!)
Also, I got about 1200 new better words written today, so that was good too.
miles to Hobbiton: 225.8
miles to Rauros Falls: 306.5
ytd wordcount: 144,600
Which versions of IE are having trouble? I might have a look and see what I can see…
Yes, do you know which versions of IE? It’d make diagnosis infinitely easier. I’m in the process of banging enough CSS into my head to be useful to a web design company this summer, so the practice would be helpful all round.