ha cha cha

I got PAID!

Having been paid, it strikes me that I have 3 more payments due before I have no more payments due, and one of those isn’t due til sometime after March. This is an absurd way to try to make a living, just in case anybody was wondering. It’s the best job I’ve ever had, but as a money-making venture, .not. practical.

Yesterday in a jolt of unpleasantness I realized there was a character whose name got changed in “Banshee Cries”, and that I was pretty sure there was one place where I’d forgotten to change his name. I checked my version of the copyedits and indeed, it did not appear I had changed his name. In a panic, I emailed my editor to ask if it was too late to fix that, and she emailed back this morning to say she’d forwarded the email on to the proofreading department, so all is well. I praise her from on high; she is an angel among editors. I’m terribly relieved about catching that. o.O :)

(I also had a dream that she reassured me that the name change had not happened in Banshee Cries at all, but rather in Heart of Stone, which she’s got for consideration, and I was desperately confused about that, because HoS wasn’t due to be *published*, and besides, I was *sure* the change had been in BC…)

I didn’t read last night. I was obliged to play some CoH with the boys. O Woe Is Me. :)

I dreamed last night (~I got on a boat to Heaven! And by some chance I had brought my dice along!~) that there was some kind of (presumably) alien invasion set on decimating the world, and people were in a panic and dying all over the place, and it appeared to be me and Chuck Norris who were keeping our heads, although I wasn’t so much keeping my head as obliged to because everybody else was freaking out. I discovered in short order that if the situation was the world ending, I had no problem with becoming totalitarian in order to ensure the survival of the human race. So much for my high socialist ideals. :)