Well. Ted’s dad’s gone in for angioplasty this morning. He woke up about ten days ago with chest pains, which proved not to be a heart attack (thank goodness), and Fairbanks had to send them down here because they don’t have a cardiac unit up there (buh), and yesterday at the hospital here they determined that the back artery to his heart is 99% blocked.
So they’re fixing that today. o.O
10:20am, ETA: Gary’s out of surgery and it went perfectly. Yay!
Well, angioplasty is better than either of the other alternatives.
Tell Ted I’m thinking of him; my father had quadruple bypass 11 years ago. :}
Glad to hear it went well, best wishes on recovery.
I’m very glad it went well for him! Best wishes to the family.
I’m so glad he’s OK. I’ll keep him in my prayers. :)
Glad to hear he’s doing well. Any surgery is serious but the ones that deal with the heart itself seem even more so.