
There. Site’s back. Much better. Combination of a failure to change my email address with the host and forgetting which card the payments were on. Oops. And thank all nine or so of you who told me the site was down, although really, I knew that. It’s my main email, and my homepage. :)

The following exciting things have happened in my absence:

I finished and submitted the AAs on “Banshee Cries”, which means that book is officially put to bed. I won’t see it again until I get copies of the anthology. Two down, three to go!

The )(#*$) Audi stalled on me, sending me into a sheer panic, when I was on my way to the movies yesterday. I will not be driving it again until it’s looked at again. And at that point I might just sell the mother fucker, because I’ve Had It.

I saw Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. As Melissa said, “Johnny Depp wasn’t Willy Wonka any more than Gene Wilder was, but it was a much better movie.” At least for her and me. We didn’t like the Gene Wilder one At All. There were things I wouldn’t have done with this one (why on earth did we need a Wonka backstory?), but overall I was happy with it. It made me laugh. It made Aberdeen laugh even more. :) I don’t think Ted would’ve liked it much, though, and Shaun would’ve hated it.

I started reading Elizabeth Bear’s SCARDOWN. I believe I will go finish reading it soon. :) Ted is reading the new Harry Potter. It’s a hard life!

I talked to my Mumbly and Dadbly. They’re enjoying Ireland. They spent the weekend driving around with Deirdre and Gavin and the boys, visiting different villages and seeing the countryside. Apparently every time they go into a town Dad says, “I like this town!” Dublin, in their opinion, is fine, but everywhere else is actively likeable. :)

We think this B&B would be nice to own. Would anybody like to invest in a nice Irish B&B? You’d always have a place to stay in Ireland! *bright, encouraging look* (It’s actually a ridiculously good deal. If only the money fairy would visit us.)

I think that’s about everything, then. :)

miles to Rauros Falls: 365
miles to Hobbiton: 312.5

5 thoughts on “There.

  1. Yes, of course we would.

    Just let us know how much of an investment we’re talking, hm?

  2. You know, there were several occasions during C&TCF where I laughed out loud, but the more I thought about the movie after I left the less I liked it.

    The oompa-loompa songs were not understandable unless you already knew what they said (we’d re-read the book the last two weeks, so we did) – especially the Mike Teavee song and the Violet Beauregarde one. Also, somehow the Veruca Salt character just didn’t seem to work. (perhaps the actress was insufficiently petulant)

    I admit, I liked what they did to the Violet Beauregarde and Mike Teavee characters, and Grandma Georgina was nice for some comic relief. But the movie as a whole didn’t really seem like much, on reflection.

  3. ..You Honestly proposing???
    Cause i LOVE Cashel… :)

    And you have no idea how truely ridiculous that price is. Especially for a B&B.

  4. If the Audi is still giving you problems, it is well past time for it to go. Even if it goes get truly Fixed, you’ll never trust it again.

    My Audi is still wonderful, but it’s still under warranty, too.

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